Wednesday 14 April 2010

There's no place like...?

So...being home. It's...weird to say the least.

First couple of days I was really not doing so good. My family called me Bella. Which may have been a TAD extreme (as far as I'm aware there was no screaming) but they wernt far wrong. I couldnt eat, couldnt sleep until exhaustion literally over took me, wasnt unpacking, generally just moping about in my room.

I will justify it to anyone that tries to say anything but I do recognise that this is not healthy behaviour. Not to mention the fact I may have worried Codaniel a little bit which is NOT something I want to do.

I desperatly needed to get back on the job scene. A) For a reason to get up in the morning and for some sense of normality and B) I plan on being back in Fort Collins very soon and employment is required as a means of funding that lil plan!

So I phoned a Face to Face company that a guy I used to work with works for. Had an interview today and guess what?! They offered me an admin role within the office instead! With the oppurtunity to go out and fundraise from time to time. Its still a step down from what I was doing before which kinda sucks but its a job, it offers oppurtunity for progression and its saleried as opposed to hourly which makes budgeting a heck of a lot easier. So overall - YAY!

And double yay because yesterday was a big important day for Codaniel which resulted in my being all excited and happy and doing funny dances. Hehe

The twins birthday(s) was really cool. I cant believe how big they've got. And whilst they're not quite saying my name - instead just shaking their heads and giggling they know exacty who I am, pointing right at me when asked "Where's Sarah" which made me all excited and happy! I love those kids man!

And been slowly but surely catching up with everyone. Going into the old office was kinda weird. I felt like I should be working and had just gone out for lunch with Kirsty as normal. But I dont think I'd go back there for anything...wait actually. Maybe a US visa...or a way to get Codaniel here. I'd go back there with a smile on my face and spring in my step if I was offered that.

So yeah for those who MAY have missed it...I'm all about moving to the states. (Apologies if you literally did miss that. I've forgotten who I've told and if thats how you found out, I can but apologise) Don't get too worried yet though. Its damn near impossible. America does NOT want to let anyone in I tell ya! Suggestions on a postcard please....

So I'm planning on being back in Fort Collins end May/beginning June, dependent purely on how much time I can take off work.

It can't come soon enough for me....

And finally I've decided I really need my own space. Even if renting a room as opposed to my own place. I cannot stand being at home any longer. So if anyone knows anyone looking for a roommate let me know.

Pic of the day: Clearer image of my gorgeous Birthday present.

Oh and I've totally been influenced by America. I have apparently lost my tea making skills and on top of that I bought a coffee maker. What can I say after a month you get used to something :) (Take back those cries of "Traitor")

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